A completely free online browser tool to practice scales on your guitar, adaptable to any tuning and other string instruments too like bass, violin, cello, ukulele, mandolin, etc up to 8 strings and 24 frets.

To the left are the instrument tuning settings. The Guitar and Bass tabs contain presets for each respective instrument, as well as a couple of other stringed instruments below but any setup and any tuning withing limits is doable through the Custom tab.

Next to it is the piano where you can modify the notes in your scale, you can also just click on the fretboard itself. The marked notes are red, the note marked as root is purple. To the right of that are presets for some common and less common scales. If you can't find your favorite scale you can always input it yourself on the piano. Mode switches between all the possible parallel modes in the scale.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
AuthorGuitar Helper
Tagsbass, guitar, Music, tool
Average sessionA few seconds
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly


Guitar Helper offline 2.5 MB

Install instructions

Extract the folder from within the .zip

Development log

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